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FIA post-race press conference – Austria

Q:Lewis, we could hear on the radio why Nico has supersoft and you have soft tyres. My question is: isn’t it also responsibility of the drivers to take the decision what tyre they can use? Once we have less than 20 laps to the end and the supersoft would be the most reasonable choice?
Q:ルイス、ラジオで「なぜ、ニコはスーパーソフトで、僕はソフトなんだ?」と言っていましたね。タイヤ選択はドライバーの責任ではないのですか?  残り20ラップを切って、スーパーソフトが最も適した選択だったでしょうか?


LH: This is the case where you have to rely on your engineers because they have better understanding. They would have seen all the other drivers run on the supersoft from the beginning and they would have seen the drivers run on the soft. I had no facts to quantify a judgement. I was not in a position to make a judgement there. When I came in I’m hoping the team will give me the best tyre. I’m expecting them to give me the best tyre. So, I had the soft, Nico didn’t have a soft, so I don’t believe he had a soft left, as far as I’m aware. So that would be why. That was the only choice he had. My tyre goes longer. But the performance was still good, it was just the warm-up was the issue. I guess they were concerned that the ultrasoft doesn’t last that long. We didn’t do a long run on the supersoft either so we didn’t know if that would go far. So,no,your answer,it is not the case.

Q: Did you have supersofts?

LH: I had supersofts, yeah.

Q:Question to Lewis. Where was bigger and better the rivalry? In 2007 with Fernando or this year? And what do you think, could Ron Dennis handle this problem now with your team-mate better?
Q:ルイスに聞きます。一番のライバル関係は、2007年のフェルナンド(・アロンソ)とですか? それとも今年ですか? ロン・デニスは、今、あなたのチームメートとの関係を捌くことができると思いますか?

LH: It’s different. When I was racing with Fernando we both had pretty much the same opportunity in the sense that our cars were both reliable, we had no problems so we were battling more so on the track.This is just as intense but it’s a little bit different. Nico today racing hard but we’re in different… the picture’s a lot different. He’s in the lead with four engines and I’m fighting for the lead with one engine. So we’re in different positions in that respect. So I would say it’s a little more intense from my side as every point counts more than ever.

Q:Lewis, how disappointing is it to hear so many of the crowd booing when you’ve just had your first win in Austria?


LH: Of course it’s not great and especially with how much I love it here. It’s one of the most beautiful countries I’ve been to. Every time I come here, the scenery…I have a motorbike here this weekend and I’ve been driving through the valley and just seeing how beautiful and natural it is here. And so to have that kind of feeling for a country and then have that response when you have a win, for sure it’s not the greatest but I forgive them. Sometimes that’s just the way it is and I don’t judge them for that. They have the right to have an opinion. Not quite sure why they have done it but it doesn’t really make any difference to me.I won the race,I think fair and square.

Q:Lewis,you stayed out much longer than Nico in the first stint, presumably to do a
one-stop race. Have you been surprised to be pulled in for a second stop and what do you think about it,seeing Ferrari and Red Bull obviously being able to do a one-stop race?
Q:ルイス、おそらく、1ストップでやろうと、あなたは、第1スティントをニコよりも長く走り続けましたね。2度めのピットストップに入った時に驚きませんでしたか? フェラーリやレッドブルはワンストップでいけたことをどう思いますか?

LH: Yeah, for me the plan to be on a one-stop and I hit my one-stop target and then I was on that second tyre and when I was asked to pit it felt fine. I knew Nico was on – I think – eleven or twelve lap older tyres than me so they said that he would have to stop again but I didn’t think I would have to and I was very… I had a split decision as well as to whether I was going to come in or not. They asked me to come in and I followed their direction but obviously they showed that the tyre could have gone the distance. I don’t know whether – at the pace that we were going – that they would have lasted as long as their’s – who knows – but in hindsight I would have probably tried to stay out but if I had stayed out maybe Nico would have stayed out so it would have been a similar situation.


Q:Lewis, do you expect the rivalry between you and Nico to become even more intense, the closer the racing between the two of you becomes and the closer you get to the end of the season?
Q:ルイス、あなたとニコのライバル関係は、接近したレースとなり、もっと緊張したものになると思いますか?  そして、接近したままシーズンの終わりを迎えるのでしょうか?

LH: I could anticipate it will stay the same as it is now. We are battling. Today obviously was slightly unfortunate with the safety car otherwise I would have been in the lead and I think I had more pace today, so it would have been easier. But well absolutely, we’re racing to win and we’re fighting for the championship and we will see. I’m not the furthest away now, so at least I’m within a good distance from him points-wise. I don’t know how many points I am behind, so that’s definitely better than what I came with and I’ll take that.

【翻訳:Masataka Hoshi】
Photo by MERCEDES AMG PETRONAS Formula One Team

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